The emergence of cybercrime has become an alarming reality in an age where our lives are more connected with the digital sphere. Malaysia, a country characterized by rapid technology growth and internet connectedness, is not immune to this worldwide disease. As our world becomes more interconnected, the threat of cybercrime grows, harming individuals, organizations, and the entire country.

Cybercrime knows no bounds and has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. In this article, you will not only learn how to defend yourself from the dangers of cybercrime, but you will also receive insight into the larger efforts being made by government agencies and cybersecurity specialists to secure our digital future.

Also, Malaysia has made great advances in technology and connection in the digital era, but with success comes a darker side – an alarming increase in cybercrime incidences. According to the New Straits Times (2023), Cyber Security Malaysia reported 4,741 cases of cyber threats last year, while as of February 2023, the reported cases were 456 fraud cases. Hence, in this article, we will look at the types of cybercrimes, common vulnerabilities, financial consequences and cybersecurity resources.

Types of Cybercrimes

Malaysian cybercriminals have become increasingly skilled at abusing unwary victims through a variety of malicious activities. One of the most common is phishing, in which criminals imitate reputable companies to deceive people into disclosing important information. Online frauds, such as bogus e-commerce sites and spurious investment programmes, are also on the rise. Unfortunately, ransomware attacks, in which data is held hostage until a ransom is paid, and identity theft, in which personal information is stolen for malevolent purposes, are widespread occurrences.

To illustrate, Shopee Malaysia, a popular e-commerce site has disclosed the types of scams impersonators use which are the QR, job and payment scams (Shopee Blog, 2022).

In the QR scam, the Shopee merchant will reach out to the customer who has placed their order, asking to make the payment via a special discount QR code and the merchant will cancel your order, making you place a new one. Further in the job scam, the offer comes with completing daily tasks to receive between RM 100 – RM 300, then you will be added to the group chat, where a Shoppee ‘Representative’ will personally message you to ‘refund’ the overcharged Shopee purchases asking for your full name, bank details and shopee ID.

Finally, some of the payment scams include a bogus Shopee employee WhatsApping you about settling an outstanding payment to a preferred bank account, tempting average social media users to reveal their personal information for exclusive vouchers and a Shopee ad tricking customers into login with their personal information for exchange of claiming the ‘prize’.

Common Vulnerabilities

Exploiting common weaknesses is one of the reasons cybercrime thrives in Malaysia. Weak passwords continue to be a prime target for cybercriminals, who may quickly crack them to obtain unauthorized access to accounts and systems. Outdated software and operating systems are equally dangerous because they frequently have unpatched security weaknesses. Another vulnerability is a lack of cybersecurity understanding, as individuals may engage in harmful online behaviour inadvertently. While public Wi-Fi networks are convenient, they are also possible traps where hackers wait to intercept your data.

Financial and Legal Consequences

The financial consequences of becoming a victim of cybercrime can be devastating. Individuals may lose their life savings, and enterprises may sustain irreversible damage. Cyberattacks can cause not just immediate financial losses, but also legal and regulatory penalties, exacerbating the financial damage.

Engaging in cybercrimes in Malaysia is a serious offence with severe legal implications. The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the Computer Crimes Act (CCA) are just two examples of legislation designed to combat cybercrime. Perpetrators can face hefty fines and even imprisonment if found guilty. The legal system is actively working to bring cybercriminals to justice.

Tips for Protective Measures and Government Initiatives

Start by using strong, unique passwords for every online account. Regularly update your software and enable automatic updates whenever possible. Invest in reputable antivirus software and practice safe browsing habits. Educate yourself and your family or employees about online safety, recognizing the signs of phishing attempts and scams.

The Malaysian government is not standing idly by in the face of this growing menace. Various initiatives and laws are in place to combat cybercrime and protect citizens. The Majlis Keselamatan Negara (2020) outline five strategic pillars to achieve Malaysia’s goal to protect systems and data, government and CNII networks, businesses and citizens, all while combating cybercrimes. As a result, one should be informed about these efforts, and ensure they comply with relevant cybersecurity laws.

Cybersecurity Resources

Should you fall victim to cybercrime or need assistance, there are resources available. Organizations like CyberSecurity Malaysia offer support and guidance to victims. Hotlines and websites provide valuable information to help you report incidents and seek help when needed. For instance, the Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) assists and advises on handling issues like intrusion, identity theft, malware infection, and other computer security incidents.


Cyberline999 Hotline: 1-300-88-2999

Condition Zebra provides Cybersecurity Solutions and Cybersecurity Training for public and private SMEs in various industries, Financial Services (Banks and insurance), Government Ministries and agencies and Government-linked companies.

Our mission is to utilize a unique strategy of combining key technologies with expertise in Information Security and Risk Management so that clients are fully prepared to prevent and deal with cybersecurity incidents.

Condition Zebra Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) offer two services: Managed Detection and Response and Security Awareness Training

1) MDR, or Managed Detection and Response, is a comprehensive cybersecurity 24/7 service that combines advanced threat detection, real-time incident response, and continuous monitoring to protect organisations from cyber threats.

Click here to learn more about MDR

2) Information Security Awareness Program, a fully managed cybersecurity solution designed to promote a security-conscious culture within an organization. Consists of online information security training – which includes interactive training videos, quizzes, a newsletter, wallpaper to educate your users and simulated email phishing.

Click here to learn more about the Information Security Awareness Program


New Straits Times (2023). Malaysia Faces Increasing Cybersecurity Threats. Retrieved from:,recorded%20as%20of%20February%202023.

Shopee Blog (2022). 8 Shopee Scams To Know and How to Avoid Falling for Them. Retrieved from:

Majlis Keselamatan Negara (2020). Malaysia Cybersecurity Strategy 2020 – 2024. Retrieved from:

Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (2023). Contact Us. Retrieved from:

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