
Condition Zebra provide training and services in the area of Information Security. It has 14+ years of experience in the industry helping its clients to mitigate operational, financial, and legal threats.

Penetration Testing is one of the main services offered by Condition Zebra for companies in a variety of industries. With recognition by CREST, an International accreditation body makes us one of the leading Network Penetration Testing providers in Malaysia.

Network Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Testing requires a well-planned series of steps aimed at gathering information about the network system, identifying vulnerabilities in them, researching for exploits that will succeed against those vulnerabilities that will result in successful network-based attacks.

Types of Network-based attacks:


      • DNS Poisoning

      • Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)

      • Packet Sniffing

      • Session Hijacking

      • Wireless Network Attack (access point, weak encryption / no encryption)

      • Privilege escalation

      • Brute force

      • Malware/backdoor

    Internal Pentest

    During Internal Pentest, a hacking attempt is done to examines the Internal Network system for any internal threats and ensure that internal user privileges cannot be misused within the network.

    Security Engineers are typically given onsite access through an Ethernet cable (similar to the way employees or contractors could connect to an internal environment). They then attempt to mimic the actions of an actual attacker exploiting weaknesses in the network that could be used to disrupt the confidentiality, availability, or integrity of the network.

    External Pentest

    During External Pentest, a hacking attempt is done to examines the Network system Externally for any weakness that could be used by an external attacker to disrupt the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the network.

    Security Engineers will be focusing on exploiting the vulnerabilities to determine what information is actually exposed to the outside world. They then attempt to mimic the actions of an actual attacker exploiting weaknesses in the external-facing network.


    The steps and methodologies for internal/external network pentest involve the following:

    Step 1: Pre-engagement Interactions


        • Gathering target IP address, etc.

        • Gathering credentials and other details if required.

      Step 2: Information Gathering


          • Understanding the target technologies and environment.

        Step 3: Scanning


            • Automated scanning of target IPs

          Step 4: Vulnerabilities Analysis


              • Identifying the target services

              • Manual Assessment

              • Analysing the automated reports

            Step 5: Exploitation


                • Developing Proof Of Concepts

                • Checking the exploitability

                • Exploiting the targets if applicable

               Step 6: Post Exploitation


                  • Expand attack coverage

                  • Privilege Escalation

                Step 7: Reporting


                    • High-level summary

                    • Technical details

                    • Remediation

                  Step 8: Retest


                      • Manual assessment

                    Network Online Distance Training

                    This network training is known as “Run & Gun: Network Penetration Testing” is for IT professionals who have experience in setting up, managing or securing an organization network.

                    The training enables one to clear the concept and understand the technical side of Network Penetration Testing. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Condition Zebra has been conducting online training, including additional mentoring sessions for 6200+ participants across various industries and backgrounds.

                    In our Network Penetration Testing training, there are five modules designed to make you understand and grasp the fundamentals of Network Pentest.

                    Module 1: Network Security – Overview

                    Module 2: Network Protocols and Analysis

                    Module 3: Network Security Threats

                    Module 4: Network Vulnerability Assessment

                    Module 5: Password Cracking

                    What you will learn?


                        •  Enable you to understand and communicate the network security risks associated with hacking and other exploits in today’s rapidly changing technological landscape.

                        •  Discover real-world network hacking techniques and countermeasures in your own company Network Infrastructure.

                        • Sharpen up your technical skills and learn to fix the network vulnerabilities

                        •  Learn to perform network penetration testing on own deployment and evaluate network security threats and possible exploits

                       Why you should join the training?


                          • We have trained more than 6200+ IT Professionals & IT Teams from various industries and backgrounds.

                          • This is “Live Online Training” instead of Recorded Course or Physical class due to the Covid pandemic

                          • Training is 80% Hands-On / Technical (NOT Just Theory)

                          • 100% HRDF (Human Resource Development Fund) claimable under SBL-KHAS

                          • Top Rated Cybersecurity Expert Trainer

                          • Materials and support provided – Training guide, supporting materials and access link


                        Get trained by Condition Zebra’s Cybersecurity Experts.

                        This training, Network Penetration Testing is of high value because there is a practical session as well, so far we have trained more than 6200+ IT Professionals from various backgrounds who have attended the training.

                        Click here to learn about Network Pentest training