Condition Zebra & MAMPU Form Strategic Partnership

Press Release
To train more cyber warriors to tackle threats of cyber attack.
August 6, 2015
Selangor, MY – Condition Zebra, an information security and risk management solutions provider, announces strategic partnership with MAMPU to train IT professionals from 24 Ministries and 14 state governments such as Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, MIMOS and many more.
With the rising hacking incident lately, more and more Malaysian websites were attacked. According to MyCERT, there were 10,636 report incidents in 2013. Moreover, Government’s digital assets are the all-time key target for hackers and cyber criminals.
The objective of this partnership is to nurture a pool of industry-ready and all rounded information security workforce, increase the overall information security level across the nation. This programme consists of four (4) “Hacking and Security Vulnerability Management” classes, applying Condition Zebra latest Professional Training learning methodology. Condition Zebra Professional Training offers extensive hands-on experience with live websites, networks and mobile applications, enabling participants to enhance their technical proficiency.
“As a principle, MAMPU always welcome any opportunity to empower the competency level of ICT personnel. We are glad to have this partnership with Condition Zebra, that competency level offer technical training with effective learning methodologies, the extensive hands-on experience via live website, network and mobile application. These trainings could enhance the professionals’ technical proficiency” said, MAMPU, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah MAMPU (ICT), YBrs. Dr. Suhazimah Bt Dzazali.
“Having a group of well-trained information security workforce is vital for organizations to better protect their digital assets such as website, networks and mobile applications. We are committed in educating from working professionals and end users to raise the awareness of cyber threats.” Added Wilson Wong, Managing Director of Condition Zebra.
“Very good feedback with satisfactory from participant of first session as well as many application from agencies shows that the course is most required for their competency roadmap”, says Dr. Siti Hanom Marjuni, Deputy Director of ICT Strategic and Architecture Division, MAMPU who handled the course.
The “Hacking and Security Vulnerability Management” training will be held at MAMPU, Open Source Competency Center (OSCC) on July 27-30, August 17-20, September 7-10, and October 26-29, 2015.