by conditionzebra | Sep 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
On 26th May 2022, it was reported ransomware attack on an Indian airline caused passengers to be trapped in the aircraft for at least up to five hours. The news of the Indian Airline, SpiceJet facing problems following the cyber-attack has been circulating on Twitter....
by conditionzebra | Sep 15, 2022 | Awareness
Online scams are various fraud methods that are facilitated by cybercriminals on the Internet. Frauds can happen in many ways using phone chat applications, fake websites, fake online shopping apps and many more. On 14th March 2022, it was reported that Malaysians...
by conditionzebra | Sep 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
Malware, a short-term word for malicious software, has plagued the computer industry for decades. The introduction of new and exciting technologies has allowed malware to undertake massive evolution. This can be seen in the case of the well-known NFT project,...
by conditionzebra | Aug 19, 2022 | News
NFTs are a modern day buzzword. Many people, especially the younger generations who are tech savvy are showing high interest in NFTs. Because of this, hackers have been looking to exploit this interest by using methods to acquire them illegally using their schemes to...
by conditionzebra | Aug 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
Introduction Modern technology means modern solutions to old problems. Back in the day, co-workers were only able to meet and work with each other physically at the office. This meant work was only done during office hours and one had to wait until they met their...