1. Run Regular Scans & Penetration Testing To Check Vulnerability

Regularly conduct a penetration test on your network devices. It is highly recommended that all organizations, no matter big corporations or small and medium organizations, to have a penetration test at least annually. Use the findings to resolve or manage any vulnerability identified.

  1. Secure Wireless Access

Secure your wireless access points, only allowing known devices to connect to your Wi-Fi services.

  1. Prevent Malicious Content

Use malware-checking and scanning services to evaluate where files come from and check incoming and outgoing data from external sources (the ‘perimeter’), such as mobile devices.

  1. Monitor Your Network

Use network detection and prevention tools and make sure they are correctly installed by someone qualified.

  1. Segregate Your Networks

Identify, group together and then isolate systems that are critical to your business – and apply the appropriate network security controls.

  1. Configure Your Network

Use firewalls to create a buffer zone between the internet and any other networks you don’t trust include your business’s internal networks.

  1. Control Access

Control who can access your network and what they can do in it.


We speak to business owners all the time who insist they are not a target for hackers. They’re not prepared. No cybersecurity plan, no disaster recovery plan, no patching plan… nothing. And then, it happens. Therefore, to make your network secure, implementing the right security measure is the key.

Claim your FREE Penetration Testing with us, so you can find loopholes in your system and prevent your organization from being a victim to cybercrime.