by conditionzebra | Dec 21, 2020 | Guide
No matter how effective or expensive of the security tools protecting your company network, there is no way to predict the damage caused by a single careless employee. The war against cyber criminals is fought each time when an employee decides to click an unfamiliar...
by conditionzebra | Dec 9, 2020 | Penetration Testing
You can’t close your eyes to the increasing cyber-attacks on the Internet. This has led to the loss of millions of dollars for big companies and closure for some small companies. Why are companies vulnerable to cyber-attacks? Is it because inefficient cybersecurity...
by conditionzebra | Nov 16, 2020 | Awareness
Your smartphone knows a lot of things about you and this makes it easy for attackers to access everything they want. That’s why attacks on smartphones are on the rise this day. Follow these steps so you can prevent your personal data from being hacked. Update...
by conditionzebra | Nov 4, 2020 | Guide
Run Regular Scans & Penetration Testing To Check Vulnerability Regularly conduct a penetration test on your network devices. It is highly recommended that all organizations, no matter big corporations or small and medium organizations, to have a penetration...
by conditionzebra | Oct 5, 2020 | News
We are proud to announce that Condition Zebra is now a CREST Accredited member company. Our well-sought Penetration Testing service is recognized as an accredited service by Accreditation body CREST. CREST penetration testing services accreditation is a mandatory...