A DNS attack is an exploit in which an attacker takes advantage of vulnerabilities in the domain name system (DNS). DNS-based attacks are on the rise as organizations continue to use the traditional firewalls. This has not only impacted the operation of businesses but has also increased the average cost of expenditure to mitigate such situations.
According to analysts from EfficientIP in the 2019 Global DNS Threat Report, they have revealed that companies are suffering from about 10 attacks a year, which on average costs them $1.3 million to restore back their system after each attack ($13 million per year).
The major reason why financial services companies become their target is because financial services like banks hold customers’ personal financial and payment data. Hackers’ purpose are to demand a ransom from the financial services companies and to redirect victims to a fake website and harvest their data for phishing attacks.
According to the survey, 65% of financial organizations are using or planning to incorporate zero trust architecture. However, there are still over 67% from that figure which did not perform any DNS traffic analysis.
Therefore, Condition Zebra (an International IT security services, Training and Certification provider) would like to call for all organizations (mostly financial services institution) to perform these two actions.
1. Conduct A Regular Penetration Testing On Your System.
2. Educate Your Employees With The Latest Cyber Security Training.
A regular penetration testing would definitely help your organization to find all vulnerabilities and loopholes within your system. Your organization will have enough time to fix it before any cyber-attacks occur. Condition Zebra is now providing a FREE Penetration Testing service to all organizations.
It is also important to keep yourself updated with the latest attacks and ways to prevent it. Therefore, employee training is a core element. Organizations have to realize that your employees are your first line of defense to any cyber-attack. Carelessness or lack of knowledge may put organizations at risk. Therefore, investing in your employee’s training is better than having to suffer millions of cash just to restore your system after an attack. Do check out our crafted cyber security training here. Lets make the world a better place without cyber-attacks.
Source: CYWARE